Inexplicable Fate Promo

Inexplicable Fate
Series: The Fate Series (#2)
Release Date: 14th March 2019
Pre-Order Price: 99c
Normal Price: $2.99

Even at its very beginning, her reign felt tainted by the prophecies that surrounded it and the death that they foretold.

They were dark, speaking of unknown evils and the potential destruction of the realm and even the eradication of magic. It was not a destiny that Bae, the Kumari, wanted but it was the one allotted her.

Bae wished that she could deny them, call them falsehoods but she couldn't, not when the fate of the whole realm rested on her shoulders.

It might cost her her life, or the lives of those she loved most, but she would stop at nothing to save magic, save her ren and hopefully save herself.

Somethings just plain don’t make sense. They’re unexplainable, completely fucking bonkers, out of this bloody world.
Georgia Kentley fits into that category.
What she’s doing right now, chasing down a fucking serial killer single bloody handed… There are no words for how fucking dense that little lioness is being.
If she hadn’t hung up, I’d be shouting down the line that he’s a fucking serial killer – a murderer with a personal vendetta against her and she’s walking straight into his trap. Worst of all she bloody well knows it.
This is perhaps – no, this is definitely – the stupidest thing she’s ever done.
I’m watching her drive off in my fucking car and there’s nothing I can do to stop her. She’s on a hero’s mission, desperate to save the current victim.
For me, they’re all rolled into one. Victim number one, two, three… That’s how I deal. They’re all dead, all the ones before and all the ones after her if I don’t catch the bastard, Mick Jacobson.
Georgia’s different though.
She refers to them all by name. She knows details of their lives – not just the ones that are relevant to the case but the stuff I usually ignore. The quirks that make the victims human. The traits that make you care.
She cares about them all on a personal level.
Where I want to take the killer down before too many people die, she wants to prevent his victims suffering even a fraction of what she’s suffered. That’s why she’s rushing in there as if she’s completely fearless.
She’s been his captive before. She knows the drill.
She’s been kidnapped twice in fact; once as a child and then later as an adult. She’s the unluckiest woman I’ve ever met. If anyone has the right to be reckless it’s her but I damn well wish she wouldn’t.
My mind is whizzing all over the place as I picture all the things I’ve seen, every gruesome crime scene, every bloody case file, except instead of victims that for the most part remain nameless and faceless in my mind, now all I see is Georgia. My Georgia.
I’m barking out orders as if I know what I’m doing, as if I’m still in charge but the only thing I know is that I’m not in control.
She’s in danger.

British Author with a world inside her head that insists on being put to paper.

Hanleigh loves books more than nearly anything in this world. Whether it's reading or writing them, Hanleigh just can't get enough. She relishes the way that authors can create whole worlds with the words they put in their books. Hanleigh absolutely adores Romantic fiction. She first fell in love with literature as a small child, reading Dr. Seuss but didn't discover romance until she was twelve and reading Pride & Prejudice for the very first time.

Hanleigh is about as English as it is possible to be, without actually being English. Although born in Scotland, she grew up on the South Coast of England, where she lost her Scottish accent.

She often wishes that she could live inside the world that she can create in her mind, but since that isn't possible, she puts pen to paper and shares that world with this one instead. Hanleigh writes a combination of sub-genres of Romance, including Contemporary Romance, Second Chance Romance, Romantic Suspense, Romantic Fantasy, Fantasy Reverse Harem, Paranormal, and Contemporary Reverse Harem.
